Clean patient data at your fingertips:
fuel a better bottom line for you & your clients

Solve your clients' biggest issue & your own with a click of a button
The number one reason for claims denials is registration & eligibility issues. And the number one resource for billing companies is often your staff -- a precious asset, frequently in short supply.
Imagine getting correct patient insurance, demographic, & financial info to address those denials & payment issues instantly with a touch of a button, freeing your staff to focus on other priorities like dealing with coding issues & handling more business as you scale up.
Think about the positive impact to your clients, & to your business. Time to take action?

A few ways our solutions can help
billing companies
Improve your bottom line & your clients' too
Access the largest payer network in the industry to instantly find & fix patient insurance & demographic info. See important plan details like additional billable coverage, copay, co-insurance, & deductible, as well as the patient's current address. Accelerate claim payments & patient collections for your clients with ease -- no hassle for you or the patients. And use the new-found efficiency to optimize your existing business & take on more.
Make the most of your team
When your staff is one of your greatest resources, you need to focus their efforts where they will have the most value. You can't afford to saddle them with manual, time-consuming tasks; automate for instant results. Consider it the most extraordinary assistant you could imagine, checking insurance eligibility & finding missing billable coverage info before you take your first sip of coffee.
Stand out in the crowd
Leverage technology as a secret weapon to uniquely position yourself as a strategic partner that can provide unparalleled value to your clients. But don't keep it a secret; let your clients know that you're equipped with an automation tool that helps more of their claims be paid (& faster), with less patient headaches.
“Checking insurance eligibility and getting accurate, easily digestible data back from payers is a consistent thorn for my team. Figuring out if a patient even has insurance can be another massive time suck as well if registration information is missing. As the owner of a billing company, I am always looking for operational efficiency because staff time is the resource I have to offer. With FrontRunnerHC, we've gone from using hundreds of logins for dozens of portals for hundreds of clients to a single, unified, efficient and accurate solution. My team loves the software and uses it every day. The bottom line, is that I'm saving on my bottom line and I'm helping our clients improve theirs as well.”​
- John Gwin, CEO, The Auctus Group